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Re: A&S Footnote (Re: records)

> notice that we have much to say in chapter 3 about local state, but we
> do not even mention "classes" or "inheritance." In fact, we suspect
> that these problems cannot be adequately addressed in terms of
> computer-language design alone, without also drawing on work in
> knowledge representation and automated reasoning.

After reading this footnote I feel that the authors view oo
systems from a differend angle than for example Booch/Rumbaugh and

Yes, multiple inheritance is complex (even in eiffel) so that java for
example avoids multiple inheritance completely and uses delegation
instead.  And the inheritance graph can degenerate to something what
our class has called "object oriented spaghetti code".

But polymorphism (inheritance) is superior to genericity (sp?).
And as I understand this, polymorphism can't be implemented without a
explicit type system.

I think there is a paper online that describes a proper type and class
system for scheme.  The author calls it "modules" but it is in fact a
type/class system for scheme.


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