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Re: segfault in scm_gc_mark?

LW>     I've updated to the CVS version (last night), and compiled with
LW> debugging turned on.  Now it recognizes the whole stack, which is helpful. 
LW>     What kinds of objects are you referring to?  I can't see anything in
LW> my code that isn't properly initialized, at least in terms of what I've
LW> malloc'ed (which is not much - most of the mallocing is done while loading
LW> the binary and symbol/relocation tables).  I don't use any smobs - just
LW> gh_cons, gh_symbol2scm (which isn't really a heap allocation anyway), and
LW> a few C->scheme value converters.  

You could be gh_cons'ing a C value and not a SCM value. 


Lars Arvestad               Dept. of Numerical Analysis and Computing Science
                       Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

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