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GOOPS (Re: Everyone is thinking about the future)

On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 01:15:33PM +0100, forcer wrote:
> I was thinking more about the GMP library inclusion. The one big
> problem now seems to be on how to efficiently add numbers. The
> GOOPS type dispatch seems nice, but i think GOOPS would be a
> little overhead.

I'd say GOOPS should be used whenever possible, specially if
the problem is at least remotely similar to object-orientation,
type abstraction, polymorphism or generic functions.

This enforces consistency, makes guile easier to learn, and
easier to extend (if you use GOOPS, someone who wants to
improve over what you're doing won't have to do more or less
the same working you'll do).

(set! value 2c)

      I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
                 Resistance is futile.
                 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux       ---
Brazil of Darkness   --

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