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Re: texi -> sgml (Was: Re: sgml -> texi)

On Thu, Dec 09, 1999 at 01:51:46AM +0100, forcer wrote:
> How about the opposite? texi -> docbook?
> Would be quite useful, writing texi is easier than writing
> docbook - and it would enable old documentation to be available
> in the "new" format.

Gee, I don't agree :-) perhaps I'm more inclined to sgml-like
stuff than tex-like stuff. But having written long stuff in
both, I find docbook a lot less painful.

But of course, the point of this discussion is relying on
automated tools. Sgml editors are getting better.

I don't know about sgml->texi. Of course it's necessary, but I
haven't seen working code. Of course I'll eventually look into
it, because I started a book in texinfo and now I want to
finish it in docbook/sgml.

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