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Re: docstrings in Guile!

> I'm sure there will be build problems, etc.  Please report them here,
> but *first* tell me how great this is! :-) I've literally spent 20 hours
> in the last two days trying to make Guile ready for the 21st century! :-)

This is *great*!  I look forward to having more documentation in Guile
(not that reading the sources hasn't been hugely educational).  Thanks
for all the work you put into this!

I had to make a one-line fix to guile-doc-snarf.awk to get it to work
on my system:

--- guile-doc-snarf.awk~	Mon Dec 13 11:19:09 1999
+++ guile-doc-snarf.awk	Mon Dec 13 11:19:09 1999
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 		 sub(/[ \t]*$/,"",location);
 		 sub(/: /,":",location);
 		 gsub(/[ \t]*\|.*$/,"",copy);
-		 sub(/ )/,")",copy);
+		 sub(/ \)/,")",copy);
 		 if (numargs != numactuals && !registering) 
 		   { print location ":*** `" copy "' is improperly registered as having " numactuals " arguments"; }
 		 print "\n" copy (registering?")":"") > dot_doc_file ; }

This enables it to work with mawk 1.3.3; I installed the latest gawk
and it works with or without the escaped ).


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