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Re: Patch Queue

"Greg J. Badros" wrote:
> 1) moving guile-modules's directories into the guile-core CVS module to
> be distributed as part of guile proper. (Done inside the repo, as we
> discussed a while back).

OK, I'll put this on the TODO list.

> 2) Rename of ChangeLog to ChangeLog-1995-1999 and create a new ChangeLog.
> I'll do this if you like, but feel it's your call and didn't want to
> make the change w/o your explicit feedback.

This change is fine. We should look at how other projects which have rolled
over old ChangeLogs (e.g. emacs or gcc) have dealt with this and follow
that naming convention. Feel free to do it as long as it follows the convention.

> > I will probably set up a web page at some point to track pending
> > patches, but for now we will have to make do with email.
> I'd say that keeping up to date on the patches is a much higher priority
> than a web interface for giving feedback... ideally when things are
> running smoothly a patch won't sit around for as long as they have
> during this transition period.  Just keeping your working plain-text
> file regarding pending patches available on the guile web page is
> probably sufficient, in any case.

I don't mean a fancy web interface. I mean a status list like what I sent
formatted in HTML and on the web. The goal is for people to be able to poll
the status instead of me sending active updates periodically.

 - Maciej

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