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Re: Documentation lacking

Derry Bryson <> writes:


> While this would seem to have been a good idea at the start, from
> my invesitagtion so far it seems to have been a complete waste of
> time.  I can find no real documentation; I have looked at the 
> documentation on the website, the documentation included with the
> latest release, and the documentation from CVS (guile-doc). 
> What is the basis of the guile interpretation of scheme?  How does it
> evaluate scheme expressions?  I have found documentation on how it
> stores values, but not much else.  What is the precision of integer
> values?  Are


Documentation is an admitted weak spot.  I'm leading an effort to get
docstrings into the source code and then auto-generate the next version
of the reference section of the manual from those docstrings, as well as 
exposing the docstrings in the run-time environment.  I'm also
organizing the effort to flesh out the rest of the documentation, but my 
first priority is the docstrings (and of course my time is very

I repeat my encouragement to any and everyone to contribute to the
docstring effort.  Lots of files still need docstrings-- you can claim a 
file using the online form at:

And then submit your patches to me (and file papers with the FSF if your 
contribution is more than 10 lines:
[is there a better link for this??]).



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