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GOOPS and Tcl->Guile

On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 02:35:14PM -0500, wrote:
> Type issues came up before.  I think it would take a careful analysis of
> several languages to see what the necessary information would be to
> convert between the different type-systems of several languages.  For
> Tcl I think all that is necessary is a description of what types are
> expected for Scheme procedures.  For other languages, it is difficult to
> know.

I remember that this was your stumbling rock on Tcl
translation. Now I just figured... can GOOPS' generics/methods
help you here?

It's a matter of using methods to define the ``base'' Tcl
library. Of course there is still a bigger problem; if I want a
program to be extensible in Tcl, all functions I provide must
be defined trough methods. Of course, that is a good idea
anyway for other reasons, but will take some education.

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