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Re: Suggestion for strings.c

>  (let* ((v (gensym 'location-value))
>        (trans `(make-procedure-with-setter
>                  (lambda () ,place)
>                  (lambda (,v) (set! ,place ,v)))))

Does this mean that generalized set! is actually a procedure call?!?
I hope not.  From reading the SRFI I got the impression that:

a) it suggests that a "getter" procedure returns a location and
   set! changes this location 

b) this is not how it is implemented.  In fact (set! (getter object) val)
   is just syntactic shugar for (setter object val).

I think that both a) and b) are dangerous (and of course their
combination is even more dangerous):

a) with the message oriented style (which goops supports) an object
   protects itself from being modified.  Even if the signature specifies
   that internals can be modified, it is not a good idea to grab these
   internals, pass them around and change them later (that's what
   generalized set! suggests).  Consider the following monitor (in 
   pseudo code):

   (monitor synchronous-counter 
     (inherit ) 
     (export (count-up)

     (counter 0)

     (getter (lambda () counter))
       (lambda (int)
         (set! counter 0)))

       (lambda (int)
         (and (validate int) (error "out of range"))
         (set! counter int)))

       (lambda ()
         (set! counter (1+ counter))))

       (lambda ()
         (if (> counter 0) 
           (set! counter (1- counter))))))

     How should a gereralized set! operate on counter?  If you
     change it from the outside (that's what set! suggests) you
     break the monitor's boundary.

b)  (set! (getter counter) -99) is re-written into
    (set-counter-value counter -99)

    As you probably know a location may either be exported
    1 not exported at all

    2 immutable

    3 mutable but specified modification (see set-validate-counter-value)

    4 mutable

    The problem is here that generalized set! is not general enough as
    it can only be used to change type 4 locations.  Also the syntax
    (set! (x y) val) is a bad replacement for the more descriptive setter

It is true that without generalized set! you must remember the
name of the setter('s) and the getter.  But note that in general
you must not only know the name of a specific setter but also the
contract you've signed by using this setter (the setter may only
accept a range of values etc.).

I think that #:accessor and generalized set! should be removed from

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