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Re: SRFI-17

>>>>> "Marius" == Marius Vollmer <> writes:

Marius> I think another powerful argument for a generalized `set!' (or
Marius> `setf!') is that it allows you to write useful macros like `push!',

Yet another variation on that theme is `with-' constructs.

In CommonLisp, you can do things such as 

        (with-slots <instance> (a b c)
           (setf a 123))

and have that update the <instance>. 

The above is paraphrased from memory and a random reading in "On
Lisp", and CL has stuff such as `symbol-macrolet', but nifty things
are definitely possible with getters/setters.

Christian Lynbech          | Ericsson Telebit A/S                       
Fax:   +45 8628 8186       | Fabrikvej 11, DK-8260 Viby J
Phone: +45 8738 2228       | email: --- URL:
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - (Michael A. Petonic)

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