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Re: GOOPS: inherit method

Sascha Ziemann <> writes:

> (define-method str ((obj <1D>))
>   (number->string (slot-ref obj 'x)))


> (define-method str ((obj <2D>))
>   (string-append "{"
>                  (str (change-class (shallow-clone obj) <1D>))
>                  ";"
>                  (number->string (slot-ref obj 'y))
>                  "}"))

There is currently no way of calling a method for a specified
superclass of an object (although this is possible to implement), but
you can do:

(define-method str ((obj <2D>))
  (string-append "{"
                 (next-method obj)
                 (number->string (slot-ref obj 'y))

An alternative solution is

(define-method 1D-str ((obj <1D>))
  (number->string (slot-ref obj 'x)))

(define-method str ((obj <1D>))
  (1D-str obj))

(define-method str ((obj <2D>))
  (string-append "{"
                 (1D-str obj)
                 (number->string (slot-ref obj 'y))

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