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Re: tie variable

Thierry Bezecourt <> writes:

> >I have a question of how to make a special variable in Scheme
> >that is like a tie variable in Perl.  Is there any way to call
> >a certain function whenever a variable is referred or modified?

> Just an idea : maybe Goops could be used here ? Variables imported from
> Lisp could be represented in Scheme as instances of some <lisp:variable>
> class. Then you could redefine set! to do whatever you want on
> <lisp:variable> objects. A Goops class and a set of generic methods (to set
> a variable, print it, etc) may help in mapping Lisp data types to Scheme
> data types.

One problem of doing this would be it should work well to set the value,
but not to get it.  I do not want to imagine defining generic methods
for every function that might handle lisp values.

Eric Moore <> writes:

> Well, you could do:
> (defmacro import-global (sym)
>   `(define ,sym
>      (make-procedure-with-setter (lambda () (global-ref (quote ,sym)))
>                                   (lambda (x) (global-set! (quote ,sym) x)))))
> guile> (display (user-full-name))
> Eric Moore
> guile> (set! (user-full-name) "Eric the Moore, Squire of the Lambda Calculus")
> guile> (display (user-full-name))
> Eric the Moore, Squire of the Lambda Calculus

This seems nice...  Although this is a little bit different from
what I wrote, defining it as a procedure would be more natural
since those variables are not quite the same as other variables.
Using it as a procedure will remind programmers what they are doing.
I'll use this notation for both Lisp and Scheme functions.  Thanks.

Michael Livshin <> writes:

> Guile has a macro system called Syntax Case.  one of the SC's features
> is "symbol macros".  so:
> (define-syntax magic-var
>   (syntax-case ()
>     (magic-var (get-magic-var))))
> and you also make sure that `get-magic-var' is a procedure-with-setter.

This is cool...  So I could combine GOOPS's generic method and
this define-syntax in order to accomplish my original intention.
But now I think using procedures is a better solution of this
as described above.  Thanks anyway.

Lalo Martins <> writes:

> >   (define user-full-name (global-variable 'user-full-name))
> In the final version, you will provide a macro to do this,
> won't you? Let the user think he's doing something like
>    (import-variable user-full-name)

Well, now I have emacs-import-variable, emacs-import-function,
and so on.  One problem of defining them as macros would be
Lisp allows a programmer to use the same name for a variable and
a function.  That is, if there are Lisp definitions as follows

  (defvar foo "something")
  (defun foo () foo)

one cannot import these two like this

  (emacs-import-variable foo)
  (emacs-import-function foo)

since the latter expression overrides the former one in Scheme.
We could resolve this in one of the following ways:

  (define foo (emacs-import-variable 'foo)
  (define get-foo (emacs-import-function 'foo))

as now I do, or

  (emacs-import-variable foo)
  (emacs-import-function foo get-foo)

I guess the latter looks nice.  But I think I'd better choose this
carefully since this part of syntax may remain in the future.
The following notation may be even better

  (lisp-import-variable foo)
  (lisp-import-function foo get-foo)


  (import-lisp-variable foo)
  (import-lisp-function foo get-foo)

since the program is going to import them from the lisp environment,
not from the Emacs environment.  I'll rename this.  Any comment?

Keisuke Nishida

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