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Re: none

> Hello,
> is it supposed, that
> (display "Hello, world!" 
>    (open-output-pipe "mimencode"))
> should write `SGVsbG8uIHdvcmxkIQ==' to the `current-output-port'?
> It does not.
> It seems, it writes to the "stdout", but I do not understand, how to
> get these data back to guile (in interactive mode, I see the output
> only after finishing guile session).
> I would be very appreciated for any help.

It's a buffering issue.  If you close the port, or apply force-output
to it, then mimencode will recieve the data.

Of course, mimencode isn't obliged to actually write anything at all
to its stdout until it sees EOF, so in general, you'll need to close
the port before you get any results.

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