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Casting to scm_bits_t


I'd like to know, where in macros should we automatically cast to
scm_bits_t and where not?

Example: in SCM_SETCHARS a char* is stored as the 2nd cell element.  The
definition currently looks as follows:
  #define SCM_SETCHARS(x, v)  (SCM_SET_CELL_WORD_1 ((x), (scm_bits_t) (v)))
Thus, any C value that can be cast to scm_bits_t will automatically be
accepted, whether it is a char* or not.  While this is not really type
safe, it seems to be cleaner than if every caller of SCM_SETCHARS would
have to perform the cast of the char* value to a scm_bits_t value for

In contrast, in smob.h the data parameters are not cast automatically,
thus the user has to perform that cast at every call to SCM_NEWSMOB.  But
I'm not sure if this is really desirable?

I'd suggest, to define SCM_PACK as follows (for strict typing, similarly
for the other compilation modes):

    typedef union { struct { scm_bits_t n; } n; } SCM;
    static SCM scm_pack(scm_bits_t b) { SCM s; s.n.n = b; return s; }
    #define SCM_UNPACK(x) ((x).n.n)
    #define SCM_PACK(x) (scm_pack ((scm_bits_t) (x)))

* It's still not possible to confuse SCM and scm_bits_t
* No need to add lots of (scm_bits_t) casts to the code.
* Type safety can still be achieved.  How?  OK, example:

  #if defined (SCM_STRICT_TYPING)
    static char * scm_i_char_ptr(char * x) { return x; }
    #define scm_i_char_ptr(x) (x)
  #define SCM_SETCHARS(x, v)  (SCM_SET_CELL_WORD_1 ((x), scm_i_char_ptr (v)))

Then, we should get a nice compiler warning that tells us about any
misuses of the macro SCM_SETCHARS.  In contrast, if we require the user to
perform all of the casts in the code, like:
  void * x;
  SCM_SETCHARS ((scm_bits_t) x)
there is no chance any more for a central testing
place.  Consequence:  Casts in user code are bad, because any
casting mistake in there can't be detected by clever macro tricks.

Best regards
Dirk Herrmann

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