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Bug (and fix): modulo


I thought you might be interested about the following:  The misuse of SCM
values in numbers.c _really_ has lead to some bugs, which surprisingly
have not got caught up to now.  Look at the following test case:

(pass-if "modulo: 0 % (-2^32 + 1)"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo 0 -4294967295)))

The result should be 0.  However, it fails.  The reason is due to the
following code in numbers.c:

  /* precondition:  x is an immediate number, y is a bignum */
  return (SCM_BIGSIGN (y) ? (x > 0) : (x < 0)) ? scm_sum (x, y) : x;

x is the _encoded_ form of an immediate number.  Thus, even if the numeric
value of x equals zero, the predicate (x > 0) is true, since instead of
zero the variable x holds the number 2.

The bug fix decodes the value of x before it is used for numeric
comparison. I also decided to restructure the corresponding routines to
handle the case of immediate number parameters first, instead of at the
end of the code.  Otherwise the handling of the different cases for
conditional compilation would have been too messy.  Moreover, I have the
impression that the factorization of the resulting code with goops should
be a little more straightforward.

2000-04-11  Dirk Herrmann  <>

	* numbers.c (scm_quotient, scm_modulo):  Reordered to handle the
	case of immediate numbers parameters first.  Also, only use
	decoded numbers for numerical comparison.

I have enclosed a (not exhaustive) set of testcases for quotient and
modulo.  There are still a lot more suspicious mixups between SCM and int
values, thus there are likely to appear more bugs like these.

Best regards
Dirk Herrmann
;;;; numbers.scm --- tests guile's numbers     -*- scheme -*-
;;;; Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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(use-modules (ice-9 doc))

;;; exact?

;;; odd?

;;; even?

;;; abs

;;; quotient

;; Is documentation available?

(greg-expect-fail "quotient: documented?"
  (let ((documented #f))
      (lambda ()
	(set! documented (documentation 'quotient))))

;; Special case:  0 / n

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: 0 / 1"
  (eqv? 0 (quotient 0 1)))

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: 0 / -1"
  (eqv? 0 (quotient 0 -1)))

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: 0 / (2^" x-string " - 1)")
       (eqv? 0 (quotient 0 x-expt-1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: 0 / (-2^" x-string " + 1)")
       (eqv? 0 (quotient 0 (- x-expt-1))))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: 0 / 2^" x-string)
       (eqv? 0 (quotient 0 x-expt)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: 0 / -2^" x-string)
       (eqv? 0 (quotient 0 (- x-expt))))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Special case:  n / 1

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: 1 / 1"
  (eqv? 1 (quotient 1 1)))

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: -1 / 1"
  (eqv? -1 (quotient -1 1)))

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: (2^" x-string " - 1) / 1")
       (eqv? x-expt-1 (quotient x-expt-1 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: (-2^" x-string " + 1) / 1")
       (eqv? (- x-expt-1) (quotient (- x-expt-1) 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: 2^" x-string " / 1")
       (eqv? x-expt (quotient x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: -2^" x-string " / 1")
       (eqv? (- x-expt) (quotient (- x-expt) 1)))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Special case:  n / -1

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: 1 / -1"
  (eqv? -1 (quotient 1 -1)))

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: -1 / -1"
  (eqv? 1 (quotient -1 -1)))

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: (2^" x-string " - 1) / -1")
       (eqv? (- x-expt-1) (quotient x-expt-1 -1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: (-2^" x-string " + 1) / -1")
       (eqv? x-expt-1 (quotient (- x-expt-1) -1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: 2^" x-string " / -1")
       (eqv? (- x-expt) (quotient x-expt -1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "quotient: -2^" x-string " / -1")
       (eqv? x-expt (quotient (- x-expt) -1)))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Special case:  n / n

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt-1-string (string-append "(2^" x-string " - 1)"))
	  (x-expt-1-neg-string (string-append "(-2^" x-string " + 1)"))
	  (x-expt-string (string-append "2^" x-string))
	  (x-expt-neg-string (string-append "-2^" x-string))
	  (test-name (lambda (x) (string-append "quotient: " x " / " x)))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-1-string)
       (eqv? 1 (quotient x-expt-1 x-expt-1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-1-neg-string)
       (eqv? 1 (quotient (- x-expt-1) (- x-expt-1))))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-string)
       (eqv? 1 (quotient x-expt x-expt)))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-neg-string)
       (eqv? 1 (quotient (- x-expt) (- x-expt))))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Positive dividend and divisor

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: 35 / 7"
  (eqv? 5 (quotient 35 7)))

;; Negative dividend, positive divisor

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: -35 / 7"
  (eqv? -5 (quotient -35 7)))

;; Positive dividend, negative divisor

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: 35 / -7"
  (eqv? -5 (quotient 35 -7)))

;; Negative dividend and divisor

(greg-expect-pass "quotient: -35 / -7"
  (eqv? 5 (quotient -35 -7)))

;; Are numerical overflows detected correctly?

;; Are wrong type arguments detected correctly?

;;; remainder

;;; modulo

;; Is documentation available?

(greg-expect-fail "modulo: documented?"
  (let ((documented #f))
      (lambda ()
	(set! documented (documentation 'modulo))))

;; Special case:  0 % n

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 0 % 1"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo 0 1)))

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 0 % -1"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo 0 -1)))

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: 0 % (2^" x-string " - 1)")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo 0 x-expt-1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: 0 % (-2^" x-string " + 1)")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo 0 (- x-expt-1))))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: 0 % 2^" x-string)
       (eqv? 0 (modulo 0 x-expt)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: 0 % -2^" x-string)
       (eqv? 0 (modulo 0 (- x-expt))))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Special case:  n % 1

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 1 % 1"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo 1 1)))

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: -1 % 1"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo -1 1)))

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: (2^" x-string " - 1) % 1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo x-expt-1 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: (-2^" x-string " + 1) % 1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo (- x-expt-1) 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: 2^" x-string " % 1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: -2^" x-string " % 1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo (- x-expt) 1)))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Special case:  n % -1

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 1 % -1"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo 1 -1)))

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: -1 % -1"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo -1 -1)))

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: (2^" x-string " - 1) % -1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo x-expt-1 -1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: (-2^" x-string " + 1) % -1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo (- x-expt-1) -1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: 2^" x-string " % -1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo x-expt -1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (string-append "modulo: -2^" x-string " % -1")
       (eqv? 0 (modulo (- x-expt) -1)))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Special case:  n % n

 (lambda (x)
   (let* ((x-string (number->string x))
	  (x-expt-1-string (string-append "(2^" x-string " - 1)"))
	  (x-expt-1-neg-string (string-append "(-2^" x-string " + 1)"))
	  (x-expt-string (string-append "2^" x-string))
	  (x-expt-neg-string (string-append "-2^" x-string))
	  (test-name (lambda (x) (string-append "modulo: " x " % " x)))
	  (x-expt (expt 2 x))
	  (x-expt-1 (- x-expt 1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-1-string)
       (eqv? 0 (modulo x-expt-1 x-expt-1)))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-1-neg-string)
       (eqv? 0 (modulo (- x-expt-1) (- x-expt-1))))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-string)
       (eqv? 0 (modulo x-expt x-expt)))
     (greg-expect-pass (test-name x-expt-neg-string)
       (eqv? 0 (modulo (- x-expt) (- x-expt))))))
 '(8 16 32 64 128))

;; Positive dividend and divisor

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 13 % 4"
  (eqv? 1 (modulo 13 4)))

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 2177452800 % 86400"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo 2177452800 86400)))

;; Negative dividend, positive divisor

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: -13 % 4"
  (eqv? 3 (modulo -13 4)))

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: -2177452800 % 86400"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo -2177452800 86400)))

;; Positive dividend, negative divisor

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 13 % -4"
  (eqv? -3 (modulo 13 -4)))

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: 2177452800 % -86400"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo 2177452800 -86400)))

;; Negative dividend and divisor

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: -13 % -4"
  (eqv? -1 (modulo -13 -4)))

(greg-expect-pass "modulo: -2177452800 % -86400"
  (eqv? 0 (modulo -2177452800 -86400)))

;; Are numerical overflows detected correctly?

;; Are wrong type arguments detected correctly?

;;; gcd

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