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I have modified the guile test-suite by stealing some good ideas from
Greg.  You find the modified file lib.scm enclosed.  Except for one single
file (mambo.test) which only includes one trivial test case, the whole
guile test-suite seems to work fine with the changes.  I placed some
documentation at the beginning of the file which will hopefully be
sufficient to understand how things work.

Although the current test-suite works fine, the modified test-suite allows
to do some things simpler than before:
* similar to the way 'pass-if' is used to express that a test is
  expected to succeed you can use 'expect-fail' to express that a single
  test case is expected to fail.  Up to now, you had to wrap such a
  test-case in an (expect-failure body) block.
* pass-if and expect-fail catch all errors automatically.  Thus, you don't
  have to wrap single test cases in (catch-test-errors body) any
  more.  Note:  previously, whenver an error occured within a 
  catch-test-errors body, the remaining tests of the body were not
  performed.  The new test-suite behaves as if every single test case was
  wrapped in a catch-test-errors block.  Thus, with the new test-suite,
  all tests are performed, even if some earlier test failed.
  I think it is more convenient that errors are captured by
  default.  However, you can easily achieve the old behaviour by using
  local variables to store the output of test results and have other test
  cases be performed conditionally depending of the result of previous
  tests.  This is a little more effort than before, but for the common
  case things are easier with the modified implementation.

The basic idea that is taken from greg is, that there is only one single
function (run-test name expected-result thunk) that is the basis for all
tests.  pass-if and expect-fail simply calls this function.  Also, all
error checks are performed within run-test.  Also, the possibility to
report unsupported, unresolved and untested test cases is an idea that
comes from Greg.

Some implementation aspects were changed:
* Reporters take two mandatory parameters:  Result and name.  In the
  former implementation, these parameters were mandatory, too, but all
  parameters were passed in a single list.
* the code for 'catch-test-errors is removed, since all errors are
  captured within 'run-test.  The new error capturing scheme seems to work
  fine, but the old solution was a little more magic (using lazy catch and
  some stack frame code).  It may well be that the old solution offered
  some more options than the current one.  If somebody knows about the
  benefits of the older code, it can very easily be integrated into the
  modified test-suite.

The modified code for lib.scm is attached.  I'd like to hear your comments
about the new code, so feel free to tear it apart :-)

Best regards
Dirk Herrmann
;;;; test-suite/lib.scm --- generic support for testing
;;;; 	Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;;;; any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
;;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

(define-module (test-suite lib)
  #:use-module (test-suite paths))


 ;; Reporting passes and failures.
 run-test pass-if expect-fail

 ;; Indicating tests that are expected to fail.
 expect-failure expect-failure-if expect-failure-if*

 ;; Marking independent groups of tests.
 catch-test-errors catch-test-errors*

 ;; Naming groups of tests in a regular fashion.
 with-test-prefix with-test-prefix* current-test-prefix

 ;; Reporting results in various ways.
 register-reporter unregister-reporter reporter-registered?
 make-count-reporter print-counts

 ;; Finding test input files.

 ;; Noticing whether an error occurs.
 signals-error? signals-error?*)

;;;; If you're using Emacs's Scheme mode:
;;;;   (put 'expect-failure 'scheme-indent-function 0)
;;;;   (put 'with-test-prefix 'scheme-indent-function 1)

;;;; The function (run-test name expected-result thunk) is the heart of the
;;;; testing environment.  The first parameter NAME is a unique name for the
;;;; test to be executed (for an explanation of this parameter see below under
;;;; TEST NAMES).  The second parameter EXPECTED-RESULT is a boolean value
;;;; that indicates whether the corresponding test is expected to pass.  If
;;;; EXPECTED-RESULT is #t the test is expected to pass, if EXPECTED-RESULT is
;;;; #f the test is expected to fail.  Finally, THUNK is the function that
;;;; actually performs the test.
;;;; To report success, THUNK should either return #t or throw 'pass.  To
;;;; report failure, THUNK should either return #f or throw 'fail.  If THUNK
;;;; returns a non boolean value or throws 'unresolved, this indicates that
;;;; the test did not perform as expected.  For example the property that was
;;;; to be tested could not be tested because something else went wrong.
;;;; THUNK may also throw 'untested to indicate that the test was deliberately
;;;; not performed, for example because the test case is not complete yet.
;;;; Finally, if THUNK throws 'unsupported, this indicates that this test
;;;; requires some feature that is not available in the configured testing
;;;; environment.  All other exceptions thrown by THUNK are considered as
;;;; errors.
;;;; For convenience, the following macros are provided:
;;;; * (pass-if name body) is a short form for 
;;;;   (run-test name #t (lambda () body))
;;;; * (expect-fail name body) is a short form for 
;;;;   (run-test name #f (lambda () body))

;;;; Every test in the test suite has a unique name, to help
;;;; developers find tests that are failing (or unexpectedly passing),
;;;; and to help gather statistics.
;;;; A test name is a list of printable objects.  For example:
;;;; ("ports.scm" "file" "read and write back list of strings")
;;;; ("ports.scm" "pipe" "read")
;;;; ("numbers.scm" "add" ("((2^" 16 ")-1) + 2^" 8))
;;;; Test names may contain arbitrary objects, but they always have
;;;; the following properties:
;;;; - Test names can be compared with EQUAL?.
;;;; - Test names can be reliably stored and retrieved with the standard WRITE
;;;;   and READ procedures; doing so preserves their identity.
;;;; For example:
;;;;    (pass-if "simple addition" (= 4 (+ 2 2)))
;;;; In that case, the test name is the list ("simple addition").
;;;; The WITH-TEST-PREFIX syntax and WITH-TEST-PREFIX* procedure establish
;;;; a prefix for the names of all tests whose results are reported
;;;; within their dynamic scope.  For example:
;;;; (begin
;;;;   (with-test-prefix "basic arithmetic"
;;;;     (pass-if "addition" (= (+ 2 2) 4))
;;;;     (pass-if "subtraction" (= (- 4 2) 2)))
;;;;   (pass-if "multiplication" (= (* 2 2) 4)))
;;;; In that example, the three test names are:
;;;;   ("basic arithmetic" "addition"),
;;;;   ("basic arithmetic" "subtraction"), and
;;;;   ("multiplication").
;;;; WITH-TEST-PREFIX can be nested.  Each WITH-TEST-PREFIX postpends
;;;; a new element to the current prefix:
;;;; (with-test-prefix "arithmetic"
;;;;   (with-test-prefix "addition"
;;;;     (pass-if "integer" (= (+ 2 2) 4))
;;;;     (pass-if "complex" (= (+ 2+3i 4+5i) 6+8i)))
;;;;   (with-test-prefix "subtraction"
;;;;     (pass-if "integer" (= (- 2 2) 0))
;;;;     (pass-if "complex" (= (- 2+3i 1+2i) 1+1i))))
;;;; The four test names here are:
;;;;   ("arithmetic" "addition" "integer")
;;;;   ("arithmetic" "addition" "complex")
;;;;   ("arithmetic" "subtraction" "integer")
;;;;   ("arithmetic" "subtraction" "complex")
;;;; To print a name for a human reader, we DISPLAY its elements,
;;;; separated by ": ".  So, the last set of test names would be
;;;; reported as:
;;;;   arithmetic: addition: integer
;;;;   arithmetic: addition: complex
;;;;   arithmetic: subtraction: integer
;;;;   arithmetic: subtraction: complex
;;;; The Guile benchmarks use with-test-prefix to include the name of
;;;; the source file containing the test in the test name, to help
;;;; developers to find failing tests, and to provide each file with its
;;;; own namespace.

;;;; A reporter is a function which we apply to each test outcome.
;;;; Reporters can log results, print interesting results to the
;;;; standard output, collect statistics, etc.
;;;; A reporter function takes two mandatory arguments, RESULT and TEST, and
;;;; possibly additional arguments depending on RESULT; its return value
;;;; is ignored.  RESULT has one of the following forms:
;;;; pass         - The test named TEST passed.  
;;;;                Additional arguments are ignored.
;;;; upass        - The test named TEST passed unexpectedly.
;;;;                Additional arguments are ignored.
;;;; fail         - The test named TEST failed.
;;;;                Additional arguments are ignored.
;;;; xfail        - The test named TEST failed, as expected.
;;;;                Additional arguments are ignored.
;;;; unresolved   - The test named TEST did not perform as expected, for
;;;;                example the property that was to be tested could not be
;;;;                tested because something else went wrong.
;;;;                Additional arguments are ignored.
;;;; untested     - The test named TEST was not actually performed, for
;;;;                example because the test case is not complete yet. 
;;;;                Additional arguments are ignored.
;;;; unsupported  - The test named TEST requires some feature that is not
;;;;                available in the configured testing environment.
;;;;                Additional arguments are ignored.
;;;; error        - An error occurred while the test named TEST was
;;;;                performed.  Since this result means that the system caught
;;;;                an exception it could not handle, the exception arguments
;;;;                are passed as additional arguments.
;;;; This library provides some standard reporters for logging results
;;;; to a file, reporting interesting results to the user, and
;;;; collecting totals.
;;;; You can use the REGISTER-REPORTER function and friends to add
;;;; whatever reporting functions you like.  If you don't register any
;;;; reporters, the library uses FULL-REPORTER, which simply writes
;;;; all results to the standard output.


;;; Display all parameters to the default output port, followed by a newline.
(define (display-line . objs)
  (for-each display objs)

;;; Display all parameters to the given output port, followed by a newline.
(define (display-line-port port . objs)
  (for-each (lambda (obj) (display obj port)) objs)
  (newline port))


;;; The central testing routine.
(define run-test #f)
(let ((test-running #f))
  (define (local-run-test name expection thunk)
    (if test-running
	(error "Nested calls to run-test are not permitted.")
	(let ((test-name (full-name name))
	      (expect-pass (and expection (not (expecting-failure?)))))
	  (set! test-running #t)
	  (catch #t
	    (lambda ()
	      (let ((result (thunk)))
		(if (eq? result #t) (throw 'pass))
		(if (eq? result #f) (throw 'fail))
		(throw 'unresolved)))
	    (lambda (key . args)
	      (case key
		 (report (if expect-pass 'pass 'upass) test-name))
		 (report (if expect-pass 'fail 'xfail) test-name))
		((unresolved untested unsupported) 
		 (report key test-name))
		 (report 'unresolved test-name)
		 (report 'error test-name (cons key args))))))
	  (set! test-running #f))))
  (set! run-test local-run-test))

;;; A short form for tests that are expected to pass.
(defmacro pass-if (name body)
  `(run-test ,name #t (lambda () (not (not (begin ,body))))))

;;; A short form for tests that are expected to fail.
(defmacro expect-fail (name body)
  `(run-test ,name #f (lambda () ,body)))


;;;; Turn a test name into a nice human-readable string.
(define (format-test-name name)
   (lambda (port)
     (let loop ((name name)
		(separator ""))
       (if (pair? name)
	     (display separator port)
	     (display (car name) port)
	     (loop (cdr name) ": ")))))))

;;;; For a given test-name, deliver the full name including all prefixes.
(define (full-name name)
  (append (current-test-prefix) (list name)))

;;; A fluid containing the current test prefix, as a list.
(define prefix-fluid (make-fluid))
(fluid-set! prefix-fluid '())
(define (current-test-prefix)
  (fluid-ref prefix-fluid))

;;; Postpend PREFIX to the current name prefix while evaluting THUNK.
;;; The name prefix is only changed within the dynamic scope of the
;;; call to with-test-prefix*.  Return the value returned by THUNK.
(define (with-test-prefix* prefix thunk)
  (with-fluids ((prefix-fluid
		 (append (fluid-ref prefix-fluid) (list prefix))))

;;; (with-test-prefix PREFIX BODY ...)
;;; Postpend PREFIX to the current name prefix while evaluating BODY ...
;;; The name prefix is only changed within the dynamic scope of the
;;; with-test-prefix expression.  Return the value returned by the last
;;; BODY expression.
(defmacro with-test-prefix (prefix . body)
  `(with-test-prefix* ,prefix (lambda () ,@body)))


;;; The global list of reporters.
(define reporters '())

;;; The default reporter, to be used only if no others exist.
(define default-reporter #f)

;;; Add the procedure REPORTER to the current set of reporter functions.
;;; Signal an error if that reporter procedure object is already registered.
(define (register-reporter reporter)
  (if (memq reporter reporters)
      (error "register-reporter: reporter already registered: " reporter))
  (set! reporters (cons reporter reporters)))

;;; Remove the procedure REPORTER from the current set of reporter
;;; functions.  Signal an error if REPORTER is not currently registered.
(define (unregister-reporter reporter)
  (if (memq reporter reporters)
      (set! reporters (delq! reporter reporters))
      (error "unregister-reporter: reporter not registered: " reporter)))

;;; Return true iff REPORTER is in the current set of reporter functions.
(define (reporter-registered? reporter)
  (if (memq reporter reporters) #t #f))

;;; Send RESULT to all currently registered reporter functions.
(define (report . args)
  (if (pair? reporters)
      (for-each (lambda (reporter) (apply reporter args))
      (apply default-reporter args)))

;;;; Some useful standard reporters:
;;;; Count reporters count the occurrence of each test result type.
;;;; Log reporters write all test results to a given log file.
;;;; Full reporters write all test results to a given log file.

;;; The complete list of possible test results.
(define result-tags 
  '((pass        "PASS"        "passes:                 ")
    (fail        "FAIL"        "failures:               ")
    (upass       "UPASS"       "unexpected passes:      ")
    (xfail       "XFAIL"       "expected failures:      ")
    (unresolved  "UNRESOLVED"  "unresolved test cases:  ")
    (untested    "UNTESTED"    "untested test cases:    ")
    (unsupported "UNSUPPORTED" "unsupported test cases: ")
    (error       "ERROR"       "errors:                 ")))

;;; The list of important test results.
(define important-result-tags 
  '(fail upass unresolved error))

;;; Display a single test result in formatted form to the given port
(define (print-result port result name . args)
  (let* ((tag (assq result result-tags))
	 (label (if tag (cadr tag) #f)))
    (if label
	  (display label port)
	  (display ": " port)
	  (display (format-test-name name) port)
	  (if (pair? args)
		(display " - arguments: " port)
		(write args port)))
	  (newline port))
	(error "(test-suite lib) FULL-REPORTER: unrecognized result: "

;;; Return a list of the form (COUNTER RESULTS), where:
;;; - COUNTER is a reporter procedure, and
;;; - RESULTS is a procedure taking no arguments which returns the
;;;   results seen so far by COUNTER.  The return value is an alist
;;;   mapping outcome symbols (`pass', `fail', etc.) onto counts.
(define (make-count-reporter)
  (let ((counts (map (lambda (tag) (cons (car tag) 0)) result-tags)))
     (lambda (result name . args)
       (let ((pair (assq result counts)))
	 (if pair 
	     (set-cdr! pair (+ 1 (cdr pair)))
	     (error "count-reporter: unexpected test result: " 
		    (cons result (cons name args))))))
     (lambda ()
       (append counts '())))))

;;; Print a count reporter's results nicely.  Pass this function the value
;;; returned by a count reporter's RESULTS procedure.
(define (print-counts results . port?)
  (let ((port (if (pair? port?) 
		  (car port?)
    (newline port)
    (display-line-port port "Totals for this test run:")
     (lambda (tag)
       (let ((result (assq (car tag) results)))
	 (if result
	     (display-line-port port (caddr tag) (cdr result))
	     (display-line-port port
				"Test suite bug: "
				"no total available for `" (car tag) "'"))))
    (newline port)))

;;; Return a reporter procedure which prints all results to the file
;;; FILE, in human-readable form.  FILE may be a filename, or a port.
(define (make-log-reporter file)
  (let ((port (if (output-port? file) file
		  (open-output-file file))))
    (lambda args
      (apply print-result port args)
      (force-output port))))

;;; A reporter that reports all results to the user.
(define (full-reporter . args)
  (apply print-result (current-output-port) args))

;;; A reporter procedure which shows interesting results (failures,
;;; unexpected passes etc.) to the user.
(define (user-reporter result name . args)
  (if (memq result important-result-tags)
      (apply full-reporter result name args)))

(set! default-reporter full-reporter)

;;;; For compatibility with the older testing environment, deprecated:

(defmacro catch-test-errors body
  `(begin ,@body))

;;;; Indicating tests that are expected to fail.

;;; Fluid indicating whether we're currently expecting tests to fail.
(define expected-failure-fluid (make-fluid))

;;; Hmm.  The documentation treats EXPECT-FAILURE-IF as the primitive,
;;; but in the implementation, EXPECT-FAILURE-IF* is the primitive.

;;; (expect-failure-if TEST BODY ...)
;;; Evaluate the expression TEST, then evaluate BODY ...
;;; If TEST evaluates to a true value, expect all tests whose results
;;; are reported by the BODY expressions to fail.
;;; Return the value of the last BODY form.
(defmacro expect-failure-if (test . body)
  `(expect-failure-if* ,test (lambda () ,@body)))

;;; Call THUNK; if SHOULD-FAIL is true, expect any tests whose results
;;; are reported by THUNK to fail.  Return the value returned by THUNK.
(define (expect-failure-if* should-fail thunk)
  (with-fluids ((expected-failure-fluid (not (not should-fail))))

;;; (expect-failure BODY ...)
;;; Evaluate the expressions BODY ..., expecting all tests whose results
;;; they report to fail.
(defmacro expect-failure body 
  `(expect-failure-if #t ,@body))

(define (expecting-failure?)
  (fluid-ref expected-failure-fluid))

;;;; Helping test cases find their files

;;; Returns FILENAME, relative to the directory the test suite data
;;; files were installed in, and makes sure the file exists.
(define (data-file filename)
  (let ((f (in-vicinity datadir filename)))
    (or (file-exists? f)
	(error "Test suite data file does not exist: " f))

;;;; Detecting whether errors occur

;;; (signals-error? KEY BODY ...)
;;; Evaluate the expressions BODY ... .  If any errors occur, return #t;
;;; otherwise, return #f.
;;; KEY indicates the sort of errors to look for; it can be a symbol,
;;; indicating that only errors with that name should be caught, or
;;; #t, meaning that any kind of error should be caught.
(defmacro signals-error? key-and-body
  `(signals-error?* ,(car key-and-body)
		    (lambda () ,@(cdr key-and-body))))

;;; (signals-error?* KEY THUNK)
;;; Apply THUNK, catching errors.  If any errors occur, return #t;
;;; otherwise, return #f.
;;; KEY indicates the sort of errors to look for; it can be a symbol,
;;; indicating that only errors with that name should be caught, or
;;; #t, meaning that any kind of error should be caught.
(define (signals-error?* key thunk)
  (catch key
	 (lambda () (thunk) #f)
	 (lambda args #t)))

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