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Portability testers, please


I just made a change to Guile that should make it behave more robust
in the face of `program error signals' such as SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, etc.

For this, there needs to be a list of these program error signals in
the code, and this list will likely become a small portability

So I would to ask anybody who thinks he has a unusal machine (i.e. not
GNU/Linux, glibc, i386), to update from CVS and try to compile.

The code currently looks like this:

      /* XXX - Silently ignore setting handlers for `program error signals'
         because they can't currently be handled by Scheme code.

      switch (csig)
          /* This list of program error signals is from the GNU Libc
             Reference Manual */
        case SIGFPE:
        case SIGILL:
        case SIGSEGV:
        case SIGBUS:
        case SIGABRT:
        case SIGIOT:
        case SIGTRAP:
    #ifdef SIGEMT
        case SIGEMT:
        case SIGSYS:
          query_only = 1;

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