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Re: readline messing with SA_RESTART for SIGWINCH

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Dale P. Smith wrote:

> Done.  Works great!  Thanks!

Just a reminder:  Could you also please inform the readline folks about
this error?  (Maybe you already did - in this case just ignore me :-)
It would be better for guile if they fixed this problem, because then, at
some later time, we can get rid of this workaround code again.  (As soon
as people can be expected to switch / have switched to a newer, fixed
readline version.)

Things like this might also deserve an entry in RELEASE:  As soon as we
know that a fixed version of some tool is available, which does not
require some workaround any more, it may be worth to define a period after
which these workarounds can be eliminated again.  In contrast to defining
a certain release, we could give some date, like 'after January 2002' or

Otherwise there is a chance that we will always increase the number of
workarounds, or at least that certain workarounds stay within guile for a
very long time, although the reason for those being added does not exist
any more.

Best regards

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