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Re: How often are continuations created?

[Dybvig/Hieb/Bruggeman's stack implementation for Chez Scheme]

Marius Vollmer <> writes:

> Copying the data stack should be no problem, because it contains no
> mutable bindings, only intermediate results.  

Hmm, Kent Dybvig's dissertation [1, pp 96--115] discusses this
and several optimizations.

> But copying the control stack that has environment frames in it

Why do you have to copy the control stack?  In Hieb/Dybvig/Bruggeman's
model the control stack is simply a linked list of stack segments, no?

[1] Dybvig. Three Implementation Models for Scheme. University of
     North Carolina Computer Science Technical Report 87-011
     [Ph.D. Dissertation], April 1987.  (

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