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Re: insight

> > How do I get it off my machine?  There's no uninstall target in the
> > makefile, and the install target installs hundreds of files... not exactly
> > easy to track them all down.

The installation directory is $exec_prefix/bin, which is usually the same as
$prefix/bin.  I generally configure stuff so that it gets put in its own
directory.  eg. configure --prefix=/usr/local/insight.  That way I can blow
away the directory without affecting other program installations.  "make
install" will then install everything in subdirectories of /usr/local/insight.
eg /usr/local/insight/bin.  Remeber that the default prefix is /usr/local which
means insight will share the bin directory (/usr/local/bin) with many other
programs if you don't specify --prefix on the configure line.

Brendan Simon.

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