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assembly display -vs- popups

While debugging my gcj-generated stubs I always use the assembly view,
because there isn't any source corresponding to the code I'm

In assembly mode I see code like this (on my x86 box):

-	0x403077ca	<simple_int.nat(int)+42>:		mov    %eax,0xfffffff8(%ebp)

If I highlight "%ebp", I'd like it to display the value of the
register in the balloon.  Unfortunately, it does not, because "%ebp"
is not valid gdb syntax for getting the register value.

A hack would be to do `s/%/$/' to the expression in assembly mode.

This is bad because ideally I'd like to be able to highlight
0xfffffff8(%ebp) and have it do the right thing.  Maybe assembly needs
a different expression evaluator, making this a more general gdb


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