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Re: Is there a command to restore BP?


Open the Breakpoints window, choose the menu Global->Save Breakpoints, 
give it a file name, and click Save (or OK) I forget which.

Then you can just cut & paste this into the .gdbinit.  

This currently only saves the breakpoint info, not the conditions or
commands.  That is a pretty easy fix, I just didn't need it when I
implemented this feature, and didn't have time to implement bits I
didn't need.  If someone else needs it, however...


 > Hello, all.
 >     I should like to know if there is a command/macro/something which
 > will allow me to restore break points saved in previous session to a
 > file. I want to insert it into .gdbinit.
 >     Thanks ahead.
 > <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
 > <html>
 > Hello, all.
 > <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I should like to know if there is a command/macro/something
 > which will allow me to restore break points saved in previous session to
 > a file. I want to insert it into .gdbinit.
 > <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks ahead.
 > <pre></pre>
 > &nbsp;</html>

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