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Re: Attach filter should use glob matching not regexp.

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Jim Ingham wrote:

> Mo,
> I guess using globs is okay, but is entering "*" so much easier than
> entering ".*"?  It is just that regular expressions are so much more
> powerful than globs, that I would like to keep them around if at all
> possible.  Maybe a check box to switch between the two?

I agree, regexps are much cooler but there is nothing in the GUI
that would indicate that I should enter a regexp into that box.
A glob match should be the default because that is what most
people would expect. If there were some way for the user
to indicate "I am going to use a regexp now", then I could
see adding that feature.
> About how to access the process table...  There wasn't anything in gdb that
> I could find to help with this, but this whole Attach dialog was a really
> quick hack so I didn't look that hard...
> Also, you want to be careful about doing "ps -awx" because the user won't be
> able to attach to anything that the he/she doesn't own (unless running as
> root).  Showing them a whole lot of processes that they can't actually
> attach to is not a very useful thing.

The ps thing is a mess. What we really need is a C library that will
look at the process table and report results in a cross platform way.


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