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Re: Any Clues about this problem? Close but...

On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 11:00:30PM -0700, Dave Arnold wrote:
>>cgf wrote:
>>Try 'list main'.
>>Are you *sure* you're both compiling and linking with the '-g' option?
>>When I type just 'list' I get my 'main'.
>That is a good question because after taking a close look I discovered
>a big mistake on my part.  I commented out the -g variable definition
>in the top of the makefile.
>CC = gcc
># CFLAGS = -g
>load: load5.o btlib.o
>	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) load5.o btlib.o -o load
>However I recompiled with -g for sure and still I got this output:
>(gdb) list 1
>frame.c: No such file or directory.

??? I don't see a 'frame.c' above.

However, if gdb is unable to find a file that means that you are either
not cd'ed to the directory that holds the file or you have not used
the gdb 'directory' command:

(gdb) help directory
Add directory DIR to beginning of search path for source files.
Forget cached info on source file locations and line positions.
DIR can also be $cwd for the current working directory, or $cdir for the
directory in which the source file was compiled into object code.
With no argument, reset the search path to $cdir:$cwd, the default.

>(gdb) list main
>Error: No line number known for main.

I.e., the file containing your main() has not been compiled with -g.


It *still* sounds like not all of your objects are being compiled with

Is it possible that you have both a 'load' file and a 'load.exe'?  You
know that you have to use 'load.exe', right?  It is safest to add
a .exe whenever you are generating an executable, so the above makefile
should look like this:

CC = gcc
load.exe: load5.o btlib.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) load5.o btlib.o -o load.exe


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