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Re: I wish....

Keith> OOOHHHHHH. Is THAT how it's supposed to work? I never did
Keith> figure that out.

Yeah.  gdb always worked differently from the other tools using the
libgui preference code, though.

Keith> The convention I noticed somewhere was to create a "reconfig"
Keith> method which would get called whenever ANY preference
Keith> changed. Not very nice, but it worked...

I never liked this.

Looking at the global preferences a bit more, I notice:

* The Cancel button doesn't really cancel all the option settings.
  It cancels some of them.
  (It isn't even clear to me that "Cancel" should change the settings
  anyway.  Maybe the button should just be "Close"?)

* The "Tracing features" button's text changes depending on whether
  the checkbutton is selected.  This really confused me until I looked
  at the code.

I don't have much time left on Insight hacking, and I don't think the
preferences window is as important as the other things on my wish
list, so I'm just going to submit a PR explaining what (IMO, of
course) is broken.


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