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Re: [RFA] library/{h,b} cleanup #1

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Martin M. Hunt wrote:

> I think it's confusing that you made protected variables and methods
> prefixed by an underscore like private variables and functions.  This
> doesn't seem to be the standard for the rest of the files.

We've always left non-public variables and methods with a leading 
underscore. (Or at least I always did...)

> If you do want to do this, you will need to fix the browser and kod
> windows.  Here's the patch:

You know, I grep'd the sources for "thaw_me" and "freeze_me", but I 
didn't find anything. Good catch.

Do you have a better way to list protected and private variables from 
publics? I don't like public variables/methods shadowing anything that 
is not public.


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