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Modal dialogs again


Ok, I've spent an enormous amount of energy trying to figure this out...
Now I need to do a lot of testing, but I need to know what I am testing.

As far as I can tell, there are a couple of dialogs which inherit from
"ModalDialog". Problem: "ModalDialog" is kinda vague. I think ModalDialog
should be used for application modal dialogs, ones that are ALWAYS on top
of every other window in the system. Agree/Disagree?

What confuses the issue is that ModalDialog::post can either keep the window
on top or allow other windows over it. This is odd, since it grabs the
focus, so it is possible to bury the dialog under other windows and not
know the dialog is there (but you will think there are some weird bugs in
Insight for sure!). I think that it should be changed so that it is ALWAYS
on top (i.e., ModalDialog::post always assumes on_top). Agree/Disagree?

Right now, TargetSelection, GlobalPref, SrcPref, and WarningDlg all
inherit from ModalDialog. Are all of these really meant to be application
modal (as I have defined it). If so, I have somthing concrete to test.
Otherwise, we need to decide what the behavior of these dialogs should be,
so that I can modify them and test accordingly.


PS. In case it isn't obvious, I have a solution to make real
application-modal dialogs, ones which have the input focus and stay raised
above all other windows in the debugger. It's not 100%, but it's 95%,
which is much closer than we were before.

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