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[PATCH] Remove tix from stackwin

Another one bites the dust...


2001-08-20  Keith Seitz  <>

	* library/stackwin.itb (build_win): Use iwidget's scrolled listbox
	instead of tix scrolled list box.
	(update): Update to use iwidget's scrolled list box.
	(change_frame): Ditto.
	Remove parameters.
	* library/stackwin.ith (change_frame): Remove all parameters.

Index: stackwin.ith
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/gdb/gdbtk/library/stackwin.ith,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -r1.4 stackwin.ith
--- stackwin.ith	2001/06/04 15:49:53	1.4
+++ stackwin.ith	2001/08/20 19:11:49
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class StackWin {
     variable protect_me 0
     method build_win {}
     method cursor {glyph}
-    method change_frame {y}
+    method change_frame {}
     method no_inferior {}

Index: stackwin.itb
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/gdb/gdbtk/library/stackwin.itb,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -r1.4 stackwin.itb
--- stackwin.itb	2001/06/04 15:49:53	1.4
+++ stackwin.itb	2001/08/20 19:11:49
@@ -34,24 +34,26 @@ body StackWin::destructor {} {
 #  METHOD:  build_win - build the main register window
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 body StackWin::build_win {} {
-  global tixOption tcl_platform
-  if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
-    tixScrolledListBox $itk_interior.s -scrollbar both -sizebox 1
-  } else {
-    tixScrolledListBox $itk_interior.s -scrollbar auto
+  global tcl_platform
+  itk_component add slb {
+    iwidgets::scrolledlistbox $itk_interior.s \
+      -vscrollmode dynamic -hscrollmode dynamic \
+      -selectmode single -selectforeground black \
+      -selectbackground [pref get gdb/src/STACK_TAG] -exportselection false \
+      -textbackground [pref get gdb/font/normal_bg] \
+      -foreground [pref get gdb/font/normal_fg] \
+      -visibleitems 30x15 \
+      -textfont src-font -selectioncommand [code $this change_frame]
+  } {}
+  # Add sizebox for windows
+  if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] == 0} {
+    ide_sizebox $itk_interior.sbox
+    place $itk_interior.sbox -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -anchor se
-  set lb [$itk_interior.s subwidget listbox]
-  $lb configure -selectmode single -bg $tixOption(input1_bg) \
-    -selectbackground [pref get gdb/src/STACK_TAG] \
-    -selectforeground black \
-    -font src-font          \
-    -exportselection false
-  update dummy
-  $lb configure -width $maxwidth

-  # bind mouse button 1 to change the stack frame
-  bind $lb <ButtonPress-1> [code $this change_frame %y]
-  bind $lb <ButtonRelease-1> break
+  update dummy

   pack $itk_interior.s -side left -expand yes -fill both

@@ -66,8 +68,6 @@ body StackWin::update {event} {
   global gdb_selected_frame_level

   if {!$protect_me} {
-    set lb [$itk_interior.s subwidget listbox]
     # The gdb_stack command might fail, for instance if you are browsing
     # a trace experiment, and the stack has not been collected.

@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ body StackWin::update {event} {

     if {[llength $frames] == 0} {
-      $lb delete 0 end
-      $lb insert end {NO STACK}
+      $itk_component(slb) delete 0 end
+      $itk_component(slb) insert end {NO STACK}

-    $lb delete 0 end
+    $itk_component(slb) delete 0 end
     set levels 0
     foreach frame $frames {
       set len [string length $frame]
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ body StackWin::update {event} {
       if {$len > $maxwidth} {
 	set maxwidth $len
-      $lb insert end $frame
+      $itk_component(slb) insert end $frame
       incr levels

@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ body StackWin::update {event} {
     # window is looking at some location other than the
     # bottom of the stack.  If so, highlight the stack frame
     set level [expr {$levels - $gdb_selected_frame_level - 1}]
-    $lb selection set $level
-    $lb see $level
+    $itk_component(slb) selection set $level
+    $itk_component(slb) see $level

@@ -112,16 +112,14 @@ body StackWin::idle {event} {
 #  METHOD:  change_frame - change the current frame
 #        This body StackWin::is currently ONLY called from the mouse binding
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body StackWin::change_frame {y} {
-  set lb [$itk_interior.s subwidget listbox]
+body StackWin::change_frame {} {

-  if {!$Running && [$lb size] != 0} {
+  if {!$Running && [$itk_component(slb) size] != 0} {
-    set lb [$itk_interior.s subwidget listbox]
-    set linenum [$lb nearest $y]
-    set size [$lb size]
-    set linenum [expr {$size - $linenum - 1}]
-    catch {gdb_cmd "frame $linenum"}
+    set sel [$itk_component(slb) curselection]
+    set size [$itk_component(slb) size]
+    set frame_num [expr {$size - $sel - 1}]
+    catch {gdb_cmd "frame $frame_num"}

     # Run idle hooks and cause all widgets to update
     set protect_me 1

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