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Patch: Fix Windows Crashing.


if you recall many months a go I report a Windows crasher
the was related the using comboboxes in modal dialogs.

I'm finally near a fix that I'd like to checkin.

The problem seems to be in the combobox (well ok, it's in
Tk really), it makes the popup part of the combobox
a "redirectoverride" window, then it makes the popup
a "transient" window.  Tk does a "window in window"
trick to do both of these and some where it along
the line it doesn't clean up after itself.

Notes: a Tk toplevel can be "normal", "redirectoverride"
or "transient", it cannot be more than one at a time
(or so the source code leads me to believe).  You should
be able to change between these freely, undoing the
properties of the previous settings.

The real bug is that changing from a "redirectoverride"
to a "transient"  window some how is broken (while a grab
is in effect).  At some point I'd like to find out more about why.

This patch removes the "transient" window part
and everything seems to work fine.  I'd like to
hear from some other people using Windows before
I ask to check it in.

Well, I'm pretty happy to be making head way
on this problem (I've spent months working at this!)...


Index: libgui/library/combobox.tcl
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/libgui/library/combobox.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -2 -r1.2 combobox.tcl
--- combobox.tcl	2001/09/08 22:34:46	1.2
+++ combobox.tcl	2002/02/26 03:34:03
@@ -217,5 +217,4 @@
     # do some window management foo. 
     wm overrideredirect $widgets(popup) 1
-    wm transient $widgets(popup) [winfo toplevel $this]
     wm group $widgets(popup) [winfo parent $this]
     wm resizable $widgets(popup) 0 0

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