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insight combobox error (wont go away) no such variable grabstatus

With my current glibc/X11 versions, I get a combo-box
problem with insight - the combobox wont close, reports
a stack trace, saying no such variable as "grabstatus".
The problem get better with this line that sets the
variable if it hasnt been set. You would probably go
back to the root-cause which might be the foreach
never lappend-ing anything in the first place.

I dont know why this happens now, when it never used to,
but it does.

   Information-Cascade@ntlworld. c o m

PATCH to $PREFIX/share/redhat/gui

--- .combobox.tcl	Wed Sep 25 11:57:51 2002
+++ combobox.tcl	Mon Oct  7 15:05:30 2002
@@ -792,6 +792,7 @@
 	    # *gasp* do a global grab!!! Mom always told not to
 	    # do things like this... :-)
 	    set grablist [grab current]
+# is this maybe not set
 	    foreach grabitem $grablist {
 		lappend grabstatus [grab status $grabitem]
@@ -810,6 +811,8 @@
 	    # hides the listbox
 	    grab release $widgets(this)
+if [ info exists grabstatus ] {} {set grabstatus {} }
 	    foreach grabitem $grablist itemstatus $grabstatus {
 		if {$itemstatus == "global"} {
 	           grab set -global $grabitem

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