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Re: [RFA] Find init.tcl on cygwin

On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> I wasn't trying to move it from /usr/lib to /usr/share.  I was trying to
> make it find the files that were installed in /usr/share.  The change
> from lib to share is not something that I did.  That seems to be part of
> tcl 8.3.

Doh, of course. I just always forget that the Tcl folks are brain-dead 
when it comes to installing software. They put everything in LIBDIR, and 
we open source gurus (cough, cough) put shared text files into DATADIR.

> If someone wants to inform me of a better way to do this then I'm open
> for suggestions.  In the meantime, I'm carrying this change as a local
> modification when I release new versions of insight for windows.

I certainly can't think of a "better" way to address this.

> Until the net release understands cygwin, I think we'll always need a few
> tweaks.

I agree. Could you add a little comment about the change so that the next 
time we go to upgrade tcl we'll have a little more background on why the 
change is made? [Having tried to do an upgrade not too long ago, it can be 
frustrating to see a local change and not be able to figure out why it is 
needed or if it is needed any longer.]

I've heard speculation that tcl8.4.1 is more cygwin-friendly... Martin was 
working on something, but I guess he wants to do it all by himself?


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