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Re: [Q] Debugging a program with console parameter etc with insight.

On Sun, Mar 02, 2003 at 04:24:38PM -0800, JongAm Park wrote:
>So, now I use the Cygwin for writing codes for Unix.  And there I found
>a GUI debugger.  It's INSIGHT.  :)

Why not use insight for linux?  Just build it.

>Well.. it's good. However I don't know how to do this.
>     Debugging a program that reads its data from stdin,
>                    for example,     myprog < myconf.txt
>     Debuggin a program that reads console parameter
>                    for example, myprog param1 param2 ..
>Could  you tell me how it can be debugged using the INSIGHT?
>Thank you.

None of the above should be issues for insight running on linux.


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