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Re: Insight-5.2.1, msgfmt, & CYGWIN

On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 13:42, Duane Ellis wrote:
> >> I presume that's why you're going all the way back to
>    5.2.
> No, I thought that 5.3 did not build under CYGWIN... so when
> I started my hack job I took 5.2.1 - thinking that it worked.
> I guess I Thunked wrong.

No, that's correct. 5.3 doesn't work, but 5.2 is of the neglect era. (I
left Cygnus Solutions in 1999 for almost two years. During that time,
very little happened. When I "returned" in 2001, I was hired to get
Insight back in shape. Just over a year ago, I was switched onto a new
project, and aside from Martin Hunt's tcl/tk activity, Red Hat has not
sponsored Insight development/maintainance at all. Just like cygwin,
actually. We're "non-products".

> What do you think I should be using? I need arm-elf support host linux
> and host cygwin.

If it is ultra-critical that everything be "perfect", I guess I would
stick to 5.2. However, if you can tolerate some small inperfections
(like the checkbox bug), I would highly recommend using a snapshot/CVS.
It has *stock* tcl/tk 8.4 (small configury change to install in
GNU-approved places), and it is substantially faster. (Oh, did I mention
that tix is also gone from that release?)

> A report to (better?) version of insight should take a day at most.

I would recommend CVS, then. Despite it's shortcomings, I think it is
still better than 5.2. It is almost equivalent to 5.3 (it may be
slightly better), but it's basically the same (and it works on cygwin).

> Any time line for 5.4?

I think Andrew has released his estimates at 5.4 on the gdb list.
Unfortunately, I haven't done a thing with Insight. So aside from the
-tic +tcl/tk8.4, and a bug fix or two, there's not much new in Insight
for 5.4. (Same with 5.2 and 5.3, too, sadly.) Sigh.

Keith, your miserable maintainer

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