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Re: Insight Bug?

On Sat, 2004-10-02 at 20:12, Kip Warner wrote:
> I have tried using two different MinGW builds of Insight only to find that  
> neither can view source mode of my GCC produced executables. All I can see  
> is assembly listing. I am compiling with -g3, full debugging information  
> and I am not stripping them with the linker. Any ideas?

As far as I know, it is not possible to compile insight with Mingw. You
must have a cygwin build (or something with a bunch of patches outside
the normal distribution).

All that aside, if you type "info func main" in the console window, what
does it show? Can you type "list main"? I am guessing that either gdb or
insight cannot deal with the non-POSIX paths that mingw-gcc outputs.


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