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Re: Source mode, function selector and file selector : display pb

Dave Korn wrote:
> Wilfried Fauvel wrote:
>> Is this patch will be integreted in the next release ?
>   Fortunately, tcl is a scripting language.  You can just apply the patch to
> your local copy of srcwin.itb (in /usr/share/insight1.0 or perhaps
> /usr/local/share/...) and it will take effect immediately!

Ah, if only that were true in my case.

I made the change in my copy of srcwin.itb.  Alas, I still have to adjust the
size of the window to make that bar appear. (Note that this occurs with a window
which is NOT maximized at startup. I simultaneously open a Local Variables
window which is tiled horizontally with the Source Window.)

I'm using version 6.3.50_2004-12-28 dated March 25, 2005.  I'm still running
Windows 98SE and later versions require DLLs which are not available on my


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