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Re: Questioning the withdom of bundling gdb and insight

середа 17 травень 2006 14:20, Keith Seitz написав:
> You can always use a CVS release branch. All releases are tagged
> (gdb_MAJOR_MINOR-branch -- gdb_6_5-branch was just created).

I like to rely on the extensive rounds of pre-release testing :-), instead of 
taking the not neccessarily working stuff hot from CVS.

> Believe me when I say, I have wanted to remove the requirement of using 
> pre-packaged tcl, tk, and itcl for a LONG time.

Please, do detach from the gdb itself -- that's 14Mb of the current insight's 
20Mb. I know, it is tightly coupled, and should be built together, but there 
is no point to download them together too...



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