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Re: Fw: Initialization Commands

On 11/02/2009 12:03 PM, María de los A. Vázquez wrote:
I don't know anything about Code::Blocks, but it sounds to me like they
are starting up gdb/insight using the "-nx" option, which suppresses
reading .gdbinit.

Where is declared the "-nx" option?

$ gdb --help | grep nx --nx Do not read .gdbinit file.

It is an option to gdb/insight.

I declared the .gdbinit file in my home directory and in the current
directory but it didn't work.

That really sounds like "-nx" is being used...

I try the Target Settings Dialog, but it doesn't work neither. If I close
insight and open it again, I have to input all the information again.
That isn't
what I need.

More evidence that "-nx" is being used... You can double-check this by opening a console window (in insight) and entering the following command:

(gdb) tk set ::GDBStartup(inhibit_prefs)

If this returns "1", then the "-nx" option was passed to gdb/insight. You can override this by defining "INSIGHT_FORCE_READ_PREFERENCES" in your environment, i.e., "export INSIGHT_FORCE_READ_PREFERENCES=1" for the bash shell.


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