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Just saw your announcement.

Last year I decided that I needed a scripting engine....

I've got a complete implementation of ECMAScript along with
some JavaScript extensions (access to Java objects, regex, etc.)
and some other extensions (exceptions, a primitive Tcl-Expect-like 
package, etc.) which I intend to release to the public. I also have about
1500 tests scripts.

My implementation permits run-time use of either ANTLR or JavaCC
as the parser.

It was my intent to release as completely public domain except that
    1) I/Fujitsu remain the sole source for the official releases (I don't
	want multiple incompatible versions around), and
    2) anyone who develops either a compiler to Java byte code and/or
	a debugger must release the software for incorporation into
	the official releases without restrictions.

A compiler and debugger are so usful that I want to make sure that
they are apart of the general release.

My ECMAScript engine is not my lifes work - I simply needed a 
Java-based interpreter and rather than invent a new scripting
language (with the associated documentation overhead) I got
a copy of the ECMAScript spec.

I don't know if there is a Gnu-compatible copyleft that covers the
above wishes - it would be ok for folks to incorporate my interpreter into
a product but good ideas should be added to the interpreter.

It would be a shame for you to duplicate all the work I've done.
What can be done?

Richard Emberson