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compiled archive creation

I use Kawa under MacOS and MkLinux. Since the
file on Per's site is a bit old, I decided to create an updated one. This
is pretty much necessary for MacOS, since the multiplicity of Kawa's class
files is a bit unmanageable without a shell.

I downloaded the recent source distribution and ran configure, make, and:

jar cv0f /root/kawa-1.6.55-compiled.jar `find kawa gnu -name '*.class'

Everything seems to be working under both MkLinux and MacOS, but I wanted
to check to see if the way I created the jar file was correct. Also, what
is the correct way to run the test procedures that come with the source

Robert D. Skeels | "created and sent via the
Los Angeles, CA   illustration & design |      Cyberdog mail system"    | eti kai nun Hellada phileo