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Re: compiled archive creation

> Everything seems to be working under both MkLinux and MacOS, but I wanted
> to check to see if the way I created the jar file was correct.

Seems reasonable to me.

> Also, what is the correct way to run the test procedures that come with
> the source distribution?

Well, in the source distribution, you can just run 'make check'
(or 'cd testsuite; make check').  Of course this requires make,
sh, and so on.  It would be nice to write a Kawa application
that runs the test programs with the correct flags.  I guess
you could do it two ways:
(1) Using a single Kawa run that loads the test driver,
and then each of the tests, in order.
(2) Same, but instead of loading each test, you run "run-kawa"
on each test, where run-kawa is a Scheme function that
calls Runtime.exec to run Kawa.

The former is probably more portable (does not require
Runtime.exec), but may have problems with interacting
environments, re-initializing things properly, etc.
Loading into separate environments may solve those
problems.  That suggests adding a second optional
argument to load to specify the environment.  I've
been intending to do that.

	--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions