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Re: Kawa Servlets

>>> Per Bothner <> 10-Mar-00 9:25:45 PM >>>

>I would do no-arg constructors first.  We could handle
>constructors perhaps with a `define-constructor' declaration.


>* The module syntax, which uses key-words like `define' to
>declare fields and methods.  A Scheme source file implicitly
>defines a class, but we may also add an explicit `module'
>keyword to allow nested module-style class definitions.
>* The `object' and `define-class' forms, where the `define'
>keywords are implied by the syntax.  These can be nested
>inside other "bodies".

The second option is more "schemey" isn't it?

>For the module-style syntax, what do people think of the following?
>(module-name <CLASSNAME>)
>(module-extends <CLASS>)
>(module-implements <INTERFACE> ...)

This is pretty good I think... what is Guile's system? 
Is it much different from either of these?

>As an example:
>(module-name <>)
>(module-extends <javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet>)
>(define (doGet (req :: <javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
>               (res :: <javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse))
>               #!void
>    ...)

Ca Marche! 

It would be good if it was easy to write such things in pure Scheme
without the need to refer to low-level Java implementations. 

That's why I was looking at having a SchemeServlet.class written in
Java which would act as the call point for some Scheme definition of
what a servlet (a "schemlet") is. Or even a SchemeReadyServletContext
which allowed schemlets to be loaded alongside vanilla servlets.

>Better would be:

>(define (doGet (req res)
>    ...)

This is better... as long as it's possible to write schemey wrappers
for request response.

ie instead of:

(define (doget request response)
   (invoke request 'get-path-info))

I could write:
(define (doget request response)
  (request 'path-info))

This could be implemented like this:

(module-name <>)
(module-extends <javax.servlet.HttpServlet>)

(define (doGet (req :: <javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
               (res :: <javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse))
    (let ((request (make-some-scheme-request-object req))
           (response (make-some-scheme-response-object resp)))
      (do-get request response)))

But how would we get the defintion for the do-get procedure in there?

Could a Kawa module be declared abstract?

>I also think it makes sense to have a special servlet class
>that has a one-argument doGet method, that returns a "result
>the value of that result is then sent as the response.

I agree. That would be a very usefull short cut.

A related idea would be a defintion which would cause top-level
evaluations to be output to the port as they occur. A suppresion form
would be required,


(define (do-get request response)
  (servlet-name)  ;;gets output on eval
  ;;outputs "my-param" then all the parameter names
  (cons "my-param" (request 'parameter-names)))

I suppose that this would need an alternate define - one that mapped
output statements into the body form. 

Perhaps (define-servlet () ...)?

Is this a bad idea or a good idea?

*Related module system question*
The following has just occured to me and I point it out in case Per
and others haven't spotted it yet (though I'm sure they have).

Is compilation of a Scheme module which extends an abstract class but
does not implement the required methods legal? Will the compiler
complain? (the resulting .class would be legal)


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