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Fluid-let not so fluid with java-typed variable

I java-type some variable to make their use with (invoke ..) is
efficiently compiled,
but I notice a feature with fluid-let that makes it not so fluid when
used with java-typed

Consider the following code :
(define z :: <java.awt.Point> (make <java.awt.Point>))

(define (Z) (invoke z 'getX))

(define (W)
   (fluid-let ((z (make <java.awt.Point> 52 52)))

When compiled and loaded with (require ...), (Z) return 0.0 (that's ok),
with (W) return 0.0 too (not fluid).
It is solved if you type (define z  (make ...)) instead of (define z ::
<java.awt.Point> (make ...)) or
if you type
(fluid-let ((z (make <java.awt.Point> 52 52))) ;; you loose (invoke...)
instead of
(fluid-let ((z  :: <java.awt.Point> (make <java.awt.Point> 52 52)))

It seems that the later cannot be evaluated properly in non compiled

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