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kawa 1.6.99 available

A new version of Kawa is now available from and (soon) GNU mirrors.
The web side and javadoc documentation have been updated.

Changes from Kawa 1.6.98 to 1.6.99.

A new language front-end handles a tiny subset of XSLT.
An example is the check-format-users test in gnu/xquery/testsuite/Makefile.
See for an example.

There are now converters between SAX2 and Consumer events, and a basic
implementation of XMLReader based on XMLParser.

The function as-xml prints a value in XML format.

Srfi-0 (cond-expand), srfi-8 (receive), and srfi-25 (multi-dimensional
arrays) are now implemented.  So is srfi-1 (list library), though that
requires doing (require 'list-lib).

The JEmacs code is being re-organized, splitting out the Swing-dependent
code into a separate gnu.jemacs.swing package.  This should make it
easier to add JEmacs implementation without Swing.

The class gnu.expr.Interpreter has various new 'eval' methods that
are useful for evaluating Scheme/BRL/XQuery/... expressions from Java.

Kawa now uses current versions of autoconf, autoamke, and libtool,
allowing the use of automake file inclusion.

The comparisons <, <=, -, >, and => now compile to optimized Java
arithmetic if both operands are <int> or a literal that fits in <int>.
	--Per Bothner

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