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Re: case behaviour

Charles Duffy wrote:
I'm somewhat confused at the behaviour of case in kawa. Might someone be
so kind as to explain the following behaviour, and perhaps suggest a

(let ((foo (as <string> "quux")))
  (case foo (("quux") "good")
            (else "bad")))
=> good

(let ((foo (make <string> "quux")))
  (case foo (("quux") "good")
            (else "bad")))
=> bad
The case conditional uses eqv? for testing, which will only be true for strings if they are the same object (eq?), not simply equivalent.

You could use cond with string=? or equal?, assoc, case with (interned) symbols, and no doubt a number of more ways (patterns matcher?).

(let ((foo (make-symbol "quux")))
(case foo ((quux) "good")
(else "bad")))


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