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Require not accepting class names starting with <int>-

I define a module called 2-Vectors in 2-Vectors.scm:
  (module-name '2-Vectors)
  (module-static #t)
  (define (foo) 'foo)

The Kawa file exists:
  [d:\kb7\mm3\general]dir *.scm /o:d
  14/07/02  18:02              71  2-Vectors.scm

I compile it:
  [d:\kb7\mm3\general]java kawa.repl -d \. -P kb7.mm3.general. -C 2-Vectors.scm
  (compiling 2-Vectors.scm)

The class file exists:
  [d:\kb7\mm3\general]dir *.class /o:d
  14/07/02  18:03             710  2-Vectors.class

But Kawa dislikes the type specifier when I require it:
  [d:\kb7\mm3\general]java kawa.repl
  #|kawa:1|# (require <kb7.mm3.general.2-Vectors>)
  <stdin>:1:2: invalid specifier for 'require'

Should I be able to use this class name in 'require'?

Jocelyn Paine
+44 (0)7768 534 091 

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