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Kawa snapshot

Hi Gang.

I've put together an Ant script to automate posting Kawa snapshots from CVS as source-only and binary build gzipped tars.

I've not made sure that the binary version gets built with all the optional jars. I'll look into that later, or maybe Per will use the script to run builds for Kawa's site. Another refinement would be to also upload just the Kawa jar as I'm sure some folks would prefer to just download that.

I've run it to include the most recent checkin by Per fixing Are's defmacro issue.

Latest snapshot (date code in file name, "-src" is source-only) is here:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="kawa-snapshot" default="all" basedir=".">
     Batch build of Kawa with clean checkout from CVS.
     Gzipped tars for source and binary are created with timestamped file names.
     Those tars are uploaded via scp.
  <target name="all" depends="clean, checkout, tar-source, build, check, tar-binary, upload"/>

  <target name="init" description="Set timestamped file name properties.">
       <format property="datecode" pattern="yyyyMMdd"/>
     <property name="source.tgz" value="kawa-src-${datecode}.tgz"/>
     <property name="binary.tgz" value="kawa-${datecode}.tgz"/>

  <target name="clean" description="Wipe out the local working copy of Kawa.">
     <delete dir="kawa"/>

  <target name="checkout" description="Get a fresh checkout of Kawa from CVS.">
     <cvs cvsroot="" package="kawa" 
          command="checkout" failonerror="true"/>

  <target name="tar-source" depends="init" description="Create a gzipped tar of the source files (including CVS stuff).">
     <!-- <tar destfile="${source.tgz}" basedir="." includes="kawa/**"
          longfile="gnu"  compression="gzip"/> -->
     <exec executable="tar" failonerror="true">
        <arg line="zcf ${source.tgz} kawa"/>

  <target name="build" description="Configure and Make Kawa.">
     <exec dir="kawa" executable="/bin/sh" failonerror="true">
        <arg line="configure"/>
     <exec dir="kawa" executable="make" failonerror="true">

  <target name="check" description="Run the tests on the build.">
     <exec dir="kawa" executable="make" failonerror="true">
        <arg line="check"/>

  <target name="tar-binary" depends="init" description="Create a gzipped tar of the build.">
     <!-- <tar destfile="${binary.tgz}" basedir="." includes="kawa/**"
          longfile="gnu"  compression="gzip"/> -->
     <exec executable="tar" failonerror="true">
        <arg line="zcf ${binary.tgz} kawa"/>

  <target name="upload" depends="init">
     <exec executable="scp" failonerror="true">
       <arg line="${source.tgz} ${binary.tgz}"/>


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