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Unbound scheme procedures when calling from Java

We are trying to call our own Scheme procedures from Java.  The
problem is that only a part of the Scheme standard procedures seem to
be bound.  When using kawa interactively these procedures have correct
bindings.  The following files illustrate the problem:


;;; Is reverse and append bound in the current environment?
(define (test)
  (format #t "Reverse = ~S~%" reverse)
  (format #t "Append = ~S~%" append))

import kawa.standard.Scheme;

public class UseSmall {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

===interactive run===

> kawa
#|kawa:1|# (load "small")
#|kawa:2|# (test)
Reverse = #<procedure reverse>
Append = #<procedure append>

===Call from Java===

> java UseSmall
Reverse = #<procedure reverse>
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at small.test(small.scm:4)
        at UseSmall.main(


What can be the problem here? Is this the correct way to use Scheme
from Java?

Esko Nuutila

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