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Re: Missing Code Attribute with module-export

Hmm, that changes the problem but doesn't quite fix it.  Now I get this
error when trying to use the class Bar:

  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: Bar, method:
  myMethod signature: ()Lgnu/lists/PairWithPosition;) Falling off the
  end of the code at Foo2.main(

jad gives me this error:

  // JavaClassFileOutputException: No instruction in ipc_array for 3

> However, we would also like a non-exported class to not be PUBLIC.

I'd export the class if I knew how! ;-).  

Chris Dean


    (module-export f)

    (define-simple-class <Bar> ()
       '(result of my method)))

    (define (f)
      '(some function f))


    public class Foo2 {
        static public void main( String args[] ) {
            Bar b = new Bar();

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