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krl servlets

- I have two (krl) servlets accessing the same *static*
module through "require". There seems to be a problem
since both don't work at the same time. The first
servlet to be invoked keeps working fine but the other
doesn't. If the container is restarted and the second is
called first it works ok but now the first servlet
breaks. I suppose this has to do with the registration
of the module. The docs say there can only be one
instance of a static one. So this means the module can't
be shared, right ...

- are procedure closures thread safe ?

(define (st)
  (let ((x 0))
    (let ((inc (lambda () (set! x (+ x 1))))
          (dec (lambda () (set! x (- x 1)))))
      (lambda (op)
        (case op
          ((inc) (inc) x)
          ((dec) (dec) x)
          (else #f))))))

(define s0 (st))

I wonder if (s0 'inc) (s0 'dec) will work correctly for
a servlet called by different clients.

What about defining "st" in a (static) module and
requiring it by other modules.


Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela.
AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis!

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