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Re: define-namespace patch

Chris Dean wrote:

Per Bothner <> wrote:
However, the implementation isn't right.  You're doing the re-mapping
at reader-time, but it should be done later at name resolution time.

Aha - that makes sense. Can you point me at the right place to make the change?

Actually, what I wrote isn't quite right. scanForDefinitions is called just after "reading" in the case of top-level forms, but it's actually "name definition time". And (unless we do some non-trivial redesign), this is probably where we want to resolve namespace prefixes.

So I think the right thing to do is *just after* (rather than just
before) the call to rewrite_car, looking at the returned value.

* If value instanceof ReferenceExp *and* the ReferenceExp is not bound
to a Declaration, then take the ReferenceExp's getName() and try
classNameFromTypeString.  If that returns returns non-null, do
value = new QuoteExp(new FString("class:"+className));

* If the value instanceof ReferenceExp *and* the it is bound to a
Declaration that is bound to a ClassExp, use the ClassExp's class.

* If the value instanceof QuoteExp and the constant is a Class or
ClassType, map that to new QuoteExp("class:NAME").

The getTypeFor(Expression) method in Interpreter does most of
what you need, but it may be a bit too permissive.  However,
it's probably close enough, if the value is a ReferenceExp:

If (valus instanceof ReferenceExp)
    Type t = interpreter.getTypeFor(value);
    if (t instanceof ClassType)
      value = new QuoteExp(new FString("class:"+t.getName());
    // else warning? error?  see what happens at runtime?

	--Per Bothner

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